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Two Quartets

Beethoven String Quartet Op 131 in C sharp Minor &

T. S. Eliot 'The Dry Salvages' from  Four Quartets

read by Nicholas Sagovsky

Performances, Autumn 2019:

Saturday, 28th September, 1pm - The Cathedral Church of St Nicholas, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne

Friday, 27th September, 7pm - St Mary Church, Lindisfarne

Sunday, 22nd September, 5pm - St Martin's Church, Gospel Oak, London NW5 4NL

The Kertész Quartet join forces with Nicholas Sagovsky (formerly Canon Theologian at Westminster Abbey) to perform Beethoven's op 131 string quartet alongside a reading of 'The Dry Salvages' of T.S. Eliot’s Four Quartets. The music and the reading will be inter-woven at the event.


Beethoven and TS Eliot


'Burnt Norton' – from Four Quartets & Beethoven String Quartet in A minor op.132

Concert at the Frome Festival (Event 1012)


Wednesday, 10th July 2019, 7:30pm - Christ Church, Christchurch St West, BA11 1EH

Tickets (£12/£10 conc/£5 unwaged & under 16s) on the door or at:

The Kertész Quartet join forces with Nicholas Sagovsky (formerly Canon Theologian at Westminster Abbey) to perform Beethoven's op 132 string quartet alongside a reading of 'Burnt Norton', the first of T.S. Eliot’s Four Quartets.

About the event:


In 1934, the poet T.S. Eliot visited Burnt Norton with his close friend Emily Hale. The garden made a deep impression on him, evoking memories of his childhood in America. Incorporating material drafted for other purposes, he crafted a poetic meditation on time, memory and purpose which became 'Burnt Norton', the first of his Four Quartets. Each of the Quartets is named after a place of particular significance in his life. The structure of the poems reflects the structure of Beethoven’s late string quartets, to which Eliot listened frequently as he worked on his text.

Performances, Autumn 2018:

Sunday 28th October 2018, 3pm - St Peter's Church, Church St, Willersey, Broadway WR12 7PN

Thursday 25h October 2018, 6:30pm - St Mary's Church, Iffley, Church Way, Oxford OX4 4EJ


Thursday 20th September 2018, 6:30pm - St Andrew's Church, Market Place, Chippenham SN15 3HT







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